Welcome Back To My Blog!

This is my new blog, It’s compromised out of previously written articles and posts I’ve made in different platforms. Recently I’ve lost my job so I decided to create, Write, Post, and publish articles, blog posts, ebooks, videos and much more about various subject I like, Starting with software engineering to technology and all the way to photography, videography and traveling! In this blog I want to share with you ideas, knowledges, informations, situations and personal posts as well. Most of my post will be around software engineering, tutorials, articles, coding, development, software development, trends, different kinda of software languages and much more! I also want to share here where I am, What I work on and where I want to get to.

Vietnam on a Motorbike

Some of my goals, revolve around studying, self improvement, software engineering, development of my own ideas and businesses and maybe and most likely fail. But at least try and have a journey achieving new goals. Currently I maintain two ongoing projects of mine, One is on hold and another one in the makin. My new current idea is around a service for industry that haven’t seen significant software, technology change in recent years. I’d be trying to solve 2-3 simple problems and see how the market react to those solutions.

In the meantime, I welcome you to see my recent youtube videos “Solo motorbike cross vietnam – meet the bike” – join my expierence exploring Vietnam on a motorbike!

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