My Publication

Here’s a list of few publication I’ve made over the years, In that list you’ll find different format of publication, Videos are more recent but you’ll find Ebooks and blog posts at large companies engineering blogs. If you want me to write publication for your website, company blog, technology news site or other – feel free to contact me.

TitleDescriptionPublish Date
GPTeach.usA typing tool to double your code typing skills speed, Gain your 10,000 hours rule in a heartbeat. Written in React, Typescript, Javscript, Nextjs with ChatGPT by OpenAI.2024
How to make wordpress in 5 mins 2023 (Digital ocean, Custome domain, SSL) (Video, 11 Minutes)A video I made that helps engineers build and deploy their own wordpress blog, Inside Digital Ocean cloud provider.2023
Deploy Web App To Digital Ocean (Video, 33 minutes)A full comprehensive guide how engineer deploy a website or web application to a cloud service provider, in this case Digital Ocean)2023
Structuring Large Scale Client Web Applications At FiverrAn Article i’ve wrote following my experience developing large scale client application. The article published at Fiverr’s official engineering blog. 2018
Full HTML Study Ebook (Hebrew, 26 pages)All around Ebook about HTML, How to build static pages for the web, the basics of building and structuring HTML pages.2012
Full CSS Study Ebook (Hebrew, 42 pages)Ebook I had the opportunity to write about CSS, styling web application, and designing web sites with the cascading style sheets.2011

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