I’ve Blocked my #1 traffic source

If you have see one of my previous blog posts you’ll see i’ve raise a question whether if i should or shouldn’t block my number 1 source of traffic. Now I’ve made a final decision following another crush of my private server hosted at Digital Ocean. and with great grief i’ve decided to simply block an entire (unmonetized) country and put an IP block on it. And it made me reach few realization to the relevant issue such country, and it’s people might face in the feature. And those issues work back-to-back and apply to my country and everyone else as well.

The Consequences of Boycott

The current result of such boycott, like it or not, support it or not. limits the pool of knowledge and access to technology and eventually harm the industary growth in unpredictable ways. If a large group of people are denied access to certain books, knowledge, information, videos, ideas, communications etc. those almost certain to leads to more extreme ideologies and radical mindset at the end of things. Meaning that when you start blocking people access to specific data source, for example news report media. You ends up with blocking more data, information and source of news that eventually results with mutual blindness but also limits the communications between two sides. and the consequences are not immediate, they are not even in the long run of our own lifetime, but they are in the long run of our children and our future.

If countries continue to limit access and information between cultures and people. it will most likely boycott that will continue to grow to other categories like messaging apps, communications, emails, different sectors of internet and people and group of people will become more and more divided. and thats unfortunates reality of future internet that is hard to be a part of.

And at the the same not, i am forced to block one country from a source of information that they will not be able to access, either that or they run a -bucketload of bots that spam my services which means the block is a good idea regardless. Let’s just hope and act for a better free internet.

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