List of CSS Libraries And Frameworks

Recently I’ve discussed with a friend about the eco system of javascript and how populated and full with libraries, frameworks, open source projects and more. When i suggested that CSS also have a lot of frameworks and libraries we disagree – so here we go, here’s a list of CSS libraries and frameworks just to showcase that design with CSS has a big utility, and eco system world. Before we jump to the list, If you like a list like information like libraries, features, frameworks etc – I recommend you to check my blog tag “list-of” in which I publish from time to time lists like this one below.

NameDescriptionPublish DateWhen to UseKey Features
modern-normalizeNormalize browsers’ default style.2018Resetting default styles across different browsersCross-browser consistency, Modern styles
ressModern CSS reset.2018Resetting default styles to a consistent baselineSimplified CSS resets
Natural SelectionCollection of best-practice CSS selectors.2020Applying best-practice CSS selectors to improve stylingBest-practice CSS selectors
MVP.cssMinimalist stylesheet for HTML elements.2017Providing minimal styles for HTML elementsLightweight, Minimalistic design
sakuraMinimal classless CSS framework/theme.2016Creating minimalistic and clean designsClassless, Lightweight
Simple.cssLightweight, classless CSS framework.2015Providing a lightweight and simple CSS frameworkClassless, Lightweight
TacitCSS framework for dummies, without classes.2015Simplifying CSS for beginnersClassless, Simple
PureSet of small, responsive CSS modules.2013Creating responsive web designsResponsive, Modular
Picnic CSSLightweight and beautiful library.2012Adding lightweight and visually appealing stylesLightweight, Beautiful
ChotaReally small CSS framework.2018Adding minimalistic styles to web projectsSmall, Minimalistic
Carbon ComponentsComponent library behind IBM’s Carbon Design System.2018Integrating IBM’s Carbon Design System componentsIBM Design System components, Modular
Fomantic-UIBuild beautiful websites fast, with concise HTML, intuitive javascript, and simplified debugging.2017Building fast and visually appealing websitesConcise HTML, Intuitive JavaScript
Blaze UIOpen source modular toolkit providing great structure for building websites quickly.2019Building websites quickly with a scalable and maintainable foundationModular, Scalable
CirrusComponent and utility centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping.2018Rapid prototyping for web interfacesComponent-centric, Rapid prototyping
Vanilla FrameworkSimple, extensible CSS framework. Written by the Canonical Web Team.2016Providing a simple and extensible CSS frameworkSimple, Extensible
PatternFlyUI framework for enterprise web applications.2014Developing enterprise-level web applicationsEnterprise UI components, Flexible
HiQSimple CSS foundation with responsive typography and input styling.2019Implementing responsive typography and input stylingResponsive typography, Input styling
Material Components WebModular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web.2016Implementing Material Design UI components in web applicationsMaterial Design, Customizable
Beer CSSBuild material design interfaces in record time without stress for devs.2017Creating interfaces with material design quicklyMaterial Design, Fast development
MaterializeResponsive front-end library based on Google’s Material Design.2014Implementing Google’s Material Design in web projectsMaterial Design, Responsive
Material Components WebModular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web.2016Implementing Material Design UI components in web applicationsModular, Customizable
NES.cssNES-style CSS Framework.2018Building interfaces with a retro NES gaming styleNES gaming style, Retro design
98.cssCSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows 98.2018Creating interfaces with a Windows 98-style designWindows 98 style, Nostalgic design
Tufte CSSStyle your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts.2015Applying Edward Tufte’s design principles to web pagesTufte’s design principles, Clean design
GutenbergModern framework to print the web correctly.2018Ensuring web content looks correct when printedPrint layout, Correct printing of web content
XP.cssCSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows XP.2017Creating interfaces with a Windows XP-style designWindows XP style, Nostalgic design
TuiCssLibrary to create MS-DOS interfaces.2016Creating interfaces with a retro MS-DOS command line styleMS-DOS style, Retro design
7.cssCSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows 7.2018Creating interfaces with a Windows 7-style designWindows 7 style, Nostalgic design
BojlerEmail framework for developing responsive and lightweight email templates.2015Developing responsive and lightweight email templatesResponsive email templates, Lightweight
BootstrapThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web.2011Developing responsive websites with a consistent and modern designResponsive design, Mobile-first approach
BulmaModern CSS framework based on Flexbox.2016Creating modern and flexible web layoutsFlexbox-based, Modern design
FoundationThe most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.2011Developing highly responsive and customizable web interfacesResponsive design, Advanced customization
UIkitLightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.2013Building fast and powerful web interfaces with a modular and lightweight frameworkModular components, Lightweight
PrimerCSS framework that powers GitHub’s front-end design.2012Implementing GitHub’s front-end design principles in web projectsGitHub design, Customizable styles
Pico.cssElegant styles for all native HTML elements, dark mode automatically enabled.2019Adding elegant styles and dark mode support to web interfacesDark mode support, Lightweight

Even if you don’t need any CSS library or framework right now, it’s good to be generally familiar with those library especially as a senior or future-to-be software architect. Whenever in the future you’ll face s situation where you need to pick or lead your team with new libraries or frameworks or technologies you’ll be able and pull knowledge or strong baseline from above list. for instance, if you need to design a responsive email templating you’ll know you have “Bojler” if you’ll need to reset the css cross browsers for browser compatibility you’ll know you have modern normalize or ress if you’ll need responsive typography you’ll have HiQ library etc. so save this list in your bookmark and come back from time to time in the future!

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