List of Javascript Libraries

In here I want us to take a look at javascript libraries, the Idea with this list is so we can see the size of javascript developers community of (mostly) open source projects and also learn what is missing in javascript as a web development language and is completed by open source projects as we’ll see in the list below.

NameDescriptionPublish DateWhen to UseKey Features
ReactA JavaScript library for building user interfacesMay 29, 2013Building complex web applicationsComponent-based architecture, Virtual DOM for performance, JSX syntax for rendering
ReduxA predictable state container for JavaScript appsJun 2, 2015Managing application stateCentralized state management, Immutable state, Time-travel debugging
LodashA modern JavaScript utility libraryApr 27, 2021Manipulating arrays, objects, and stringsFunctional programming utilities, Performance optimizations, Extensive documentation
GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP)Professional-grade JavaScript animation for the modern webMar 31, 2022Animations, Web designHigh-performance animations, Timeline for sequencing, Plugins for enhanced functionality
Redux SagaAn alternative side effect model for Redux applicationsMar 1, 2022Managing asynchronous operationsDeclarative effects, Task cancellation, Testing utilities
Express.jsFast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.jsApr 5, 2022Building web applications with Node.jsMiddleware support, Routing, Template engine integration, HTTP utility methods
PhaserA fast, fun, and free open-source framework for Canvas and WebGL powered browser gamesFeb 10, 2022Game developmentPowerful physics systems, Asset loader, Tilemaps, Device scaling
Moment.jsA JavaScript library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates and timesJan 29, 2020Working with dates and timesDate and time manipulation, Timezone support, Locale aware, Relative time formatting
Socket.ioReal-time bidirectional event-based communication libraryMar 17, 2022Real-time applications, Chat applicationsWebSocket support, Room and namespace support, Custom events
GraphQL.jsA reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScriptFeb 28, 2022Building APIs with GraphQLQuery language for APIs, Type system, Introspection
D3.jsA JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on dataFeb 26, 2021Data visualizationData-driven approach to DOM manipulation, Powerful transitions and animations, SVG and Canvas support
Chart.jsSimple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developersNov 12, 2021Data visualizationResponsive charts, Chart types (line, bar, radar, etc.), Customizable tooltips and legends
RxJSReactive Extensions Library for JavaScriptMar 10, 2022Reactive programmingObservable sequences, Operators for transforming and combining sequences, Error handling
BootstrapThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the webJan 27, 2022Responsive web designGrid system, Pre-styled components, Responsive utilities, Browser compatibility
React RouterDeclarative routing for ReactJan 11, 2022Routing in React applicationsDeclarative routing, Nested routes, Route matching, Redirects
jQueryA fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript libraryJan 14, 2021DOM manipulation, Event handlingSimplifies DOM manipulation, Ajax requests, Animation, Cross-browser support
FirebaseA platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applicationsMar 9, 2022Building real-time applicationsReal-time database, Authentication, Cloud storage, Hosting
RamdaA practical functional library for JavaScript programmersApr 8, 2022Functional programmingImmutable, Auto-currying, Composable functions, Focused on functional programming principles
JestDelightful JavaScript Testing LibraryMar 17, 2022Unit testing, Integration testingBuilt-in test runner, Snapshot testing, Mocking functions and modules, Code coverage
Popper.jsA library used to manage poppers in web applicationsFeb 18, 2022Creating popovers, tooltips, and dropdownsPositioning engine, Flexible and extensible, Tethering to an element, Accessibility features
Immutable.jsImmutable collections for JavaScriptSep 17, 2021Managing immutable collectionsImmutable data structures, Persistence, Deep equality checks, Lazy Seq
AxiosA promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.jsNov 5, 2021Making HTTP requestsPromise-based API, Automatic JSON data transformation, Intercept request and response
Cassowary (software)Constraint solving toolkit2010When needing to solve complex constraintsConstraint solving
CHR.jsConstraint Handling Rules in JavaScript2010Declarative programming, rule-based systemsRule-based programming
Google PolymerJavaScript library for building web components2013Building web components with modern web standardsWeb components, Polymer CLI
Dojo ToolkitModular JavaScript library for web development2004Building complex web applicationsModular architecture, Dijit library
jQueryFast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library2006Simplifying HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactionsDOM manipulation, Ajax requests
midoriLightweight JavaScript library for DOM manipulation2020Manipulating DOM elements with a small footprintSmall size, DOM manipulation
MooToolsModular, object-oriented JavaScript framework2006Building interactive websites and web applicationsModular architecture, Class system
Prototype JavaScript FrameworkJavaScript framework for building dynamic web applications2005Simplifying web development tasksAjax requests, DOM manipulation
AnyChartJavaScript charting library2003Creating interactive charts and dashboardsWide range of chart types, Customization
Babylon.jsPowerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework2013Building 3D games and applications3D rendering, Physics engine
CytoscapeGraph theory library for analysis and visualisation2011Visualizing complex network dataGraph layout algorithms, Custom styling
FusionChartsJavaScript charting library2002Creating interactive and visually appealing chartsWide range of chart types, Customization
Google ChartsInteractive charts for web pages2010Creating charts and graphs for web applicationsWide range of chart types, Customization
HighchartsInteractive JavaScript charts library2009Creating interactive charts for web applicationsRich set of chart types, Customization
JavaScript InfoVis ToolkitJavaScript toolkit for creating interactive data visualizations2007Visualizing complex data sets with interactive visualizationsWide range of visualizations, Interactivity
p5.jsJavaScript library for creative coding and visualization2013Creating graphics and interactive experiencesDrawing, Animation, Interaction
PlotlyJavaScript graphing library2012Creating interactive plots and chartsInteractive plots, Multiple chart types
Processing.jsJavaScript library for visual programming2010Creating visual art, animations, simulationsDrawing API, Animation
RaphaëlJavaScript vector graphics library2008Drawing scalable vector graphics (SVG)Cross-browser compatibility, SVG manipulation
RGraphHTML5 canvas graph library2009Creating interactive graphs and chartsWide range of graph types, Customization
seen.jsJavaScript library for 3D scene graphs2013Building 3D visualizations and animations3D rendering, Scene graphs
Snap.svgJavaScript library for SVG manipulation2013Manipulating SVG elementsSVG animation, Transformation
SWFObjectJavaScript library for embedding Adobe Flash content2007Embedding Flash content in web pagesFlash embedding, Cross-browser compatibility
TeechartCharting library for JavaScript2012Creating customizable charts and graphsWide range of chart types, Customization
Three.jsJavaScript 3D library2010Building 3D visualizations, games, and simulations3D rendering, WebGL support
Velocity.jsAccelerated JavaScript animation2014Creating smooth animationsFast animation, Hardware acceleration
Verge3DToolkit for creating interactive 3D web experiences2017Building interactive 3D applications for the webWebGL-based, Cross-platform deployment
WebixJavaScript UI library with HTML5 and CSS3 compatibility2012Building web interfaces with responsive designRich set of UI components, Cross-browser support
BlocklyLibrary for building visual programming editors2012Creating visual programming interfacesCustomizable blocks, Code generation
Cannon.jsJavaScript physics engine2012Simulating physics in web applications3D rigid body physics, Collision detection
MathJaxJavaScript library for displaying mathematical notation2009Displaying mathematical equations on web pagesLaTeX support, Accessibility features
ModernizrJavaScript library for feature detection in HTML5 and CSS32009Detecting browser support for modern web technologiesFeature detection, HTML5 and CSS3 compatibility
TensorFlowOpen-source machine learning library for JavaScript2015Implementing machine learning models in the browserMachine learning, Neural network support
Brain.jsNeural networks in JavaScript2015Implementing neural networks and machine learning modelsNeural network library, Easy to use API

As you can see, there are years where we see explosion of a lot of front end web development open source libraries following by a few dead years with no too many new publication of open source libraries. The reason is because the market of products and services changes all the time and sometime you’ll need different tools and libraries to solve different market products. Fo example some years you might see an increase of AI/machine learning related libraries (e.g around 2015-2018) and sometime you’ll see increase of performance oriented libraries (around 2013-2015) because products become more UI complicated and busy with a lot of data on the front end, the client.

But Why ?

Knowing a variety of open-source libraries can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Efficiency: Libraries provide pre-written code for common tasks, saving time and effort in development. Instead of reinventing the wheel, developers can leverage existing solutions.
  2. Functionality: Libraries often offer features and functionalities that may not be readily available in core programming languages. They can extend the capabilities of a project without having to build everything from scratch.
  3. Community Support: Popular open-source libraries have active communities. This means developers can find help, documentation, and even contribute to the library’s development, enhancing their own skills and knowledge.
  4. Best Practices: Libraries often follow best practices and industry standards. By using well-maintained libraries, developers can ensure their code is reliable, secure, and follows recommended practices.
  5. Learning and Growth: Exploring different libraries exposes developers to new concepts, techniques, and approaches. This continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth in the field of software development.
  6. Collaboration: Using open-source libraries promotes collaboration among developers. By sharing code and contributing to open-source projects, developers can benefit from each other’s expertise and create better software together.

In conclusion, knowing a variety of open-source libraries can enhance a developer’s productivity, improve the quality of their code, and contribute to their overall growth and success in the field.

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